Wednesday 4 October 2017


Political philosophy is the study of topics such as politics, liberty, justice, property, rights, law, and the enforcement of a legal code by authority: what they are, why (or even if) they are needed, what, if anything, makes a government legitimate, what rights and freedoms it should protect and why, what form it should take and why, what the law is, and what duties citizens owe to a legitimate government, if any, and when it may be legitimately overthrown, if ever.

In a vernacular sense, the term "political philosophy" often refers to a general view, or specific ethic, political belief or attitude, about politics, synonymous to the term "political ideology".
This is the guide book for any leader who chooses a political route to meeting the populous’ needs as it is, also a reminder to citizens of what is expected of them.

Having this in mind, I would like to delve into a matter I personally find trivial in its every sense. Once elected, appointed, selected or otherwise, a leader is supposed to observe a certain code of ethics as a bare minimum. The code incorporates values, principles, and professional standards.
Politics is a very exciting mind game but we sometimes allow amateurs into it. This is the cause of all the rot and filth that brand it dirty.

There has been a rising trend of politicians hurling insults that touch on family. Family is a NO GO ZONE! Get this. No matter the pressure, no matter the anger, no matter the excitement. Stay away from other people’s families. This, if not immediately, will come back to haunt you.

Mentioning someone’s family in your statement would stir so much anger whose repercussion, you cannot resist. We can learn from Joho Vs. Uhuru duel. Joho has been consistently taking on Uhuru and the presidency, yet at no time has he ever mentioned the president’s family. Raila Odinga has been in contest with almost every team but never has he ever insulted someone’s family. That is respect. Are you still wondering why the former First Lady, Lucy Kibaki never spared the media either? Her family came first and that was important to her. Any sane person knows that. It is being mature and responsible. She was the loudest when angry but never insulted someone’s family. Why would you attack hers? So however furious you might be with someone, if you cannot respect them, at least respect their family.
Kwaheri guyz! Let me rush back to the studio to make that music.

Don $anto
EAMAward Winner,
Leader At The Klassik Clan
#TheDonSays | #iAmKlassik

Wednesday 13 September 2017

What Ails Kenya

Kenya was held hostage the first time those instruments of power were transferred from a white "enemy" to a black "comrade". I know many are asking asking themselves a barrage of of questions like ‘How’, ‘Why’, ‘when’, ‘what’ ..

This is how:

Kenya's most influencial sectors are being run by cartels and this is the root of all our troubles from food insecurity, poor health, etc.

When a black man was handed over power, they embraced the phrase "it's our turn to eat" hence the public greed and insensitivity to what aggrieves the population.

The most saddening part is they will do anything to justify their action even if it means they pontificate it and so you know how those fighting for a better living for all will be termed... 'Devils' agent. They will rally idle, illiterate and semi-illeterate, desperate youths to champion their course. If you persist, you are an enemy of the state.

Sasha Mbote voiced saying, “ Yes I know we are not meant to speak up but some of us rather die standing than kneeling we will speak till we are heard”.

We will be discussing this and many more topics, moving forward. Keep it #Santic

Don $anto
EAMAward Winner,
Leader At The Klassik Clan


Sunday 10 September 2017

Fixing The Statehouse Part 1 [VIDEO]

#TheDonSays | #FixingTheStatehouse


“The most perilous people in the world are not the tiny minority instigating evil acts, but those who heed to their command. For example, when the whites invaded Afrika, many Afrikans accepted to work for the British to kill off Afrikans who resisted their occupation. So in other words, many Afrikans were hired to kill other Afrikans on behalf of the enemy for a paycheck. 

Today, we have mercenaries in Africa, corporate armies from the western world, and unemployed men throughout Kenya and beyond killing their own people - and people of other nations - for a paycheck. To act without a conscience, but for a paycheck, makes any human a dangerous animal. The devil would be powerless if he couldn't entice people to do his work. So as long as money continues to seduce the hungry, the hopeless, the broken, the greedy, the tribal, the racists, and the needy, there will always be war between brethren.”

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Don $anto’s Speech Delivered For Kenya’s Election 2017

Hello folks,

A great nation is one that is built off of high standards of achievement, not only in the area of economy or democracy, but in character and leadership. In the way in which we present ourselves to the world, and the way in which we intend the world to see us.

I this day, wanna talk about honour defined as “high respect, esteem, the adherence to what is right.” But that begs the question, what defines what is right and what is wrong? How does one determine, within the complexity of our world today, the small, sometimes minute elements of an action that define it as “the right thing to do” when presented with a difficult situation? We overcome all these challenges and forge on as a nation.

However, there is a point in our journey that we stepped in a pool of mud that has since refused to leave the sole of our most valuable shoe: Corruption and tribalism. I guess this atmosphere filled with an air mixture of mediocrity and varied degrees of backwardness has created a humid weather fertile for ensuring the mud does not dry out. Remember it is mud with a permanence that cannot be altered. So we believe.

Remember that instinct, that intuition that helps make critical decisions in the blink of an eye… that helps make that choice between action and inaction… that is something that must come from within.  

Whether you believe it or not, Kenya looks up to you now. If you can’t do it for yourself, do it for your children and children children. Walk around and you’ll meet great people who do not speak your mother tongue and never knew they existed.

We exist in a society today where the act of helping one another seems to have become increasingly infrequent. The media portrays the world as a pretty horrible place. Leaders have been found killed and nothing done about it. How many unknown Kenyans face the same fate in the hands of gangstas and after a few PR stunts by authorities, we see them walk freely on the streets for luck of evidence. Hahaha. Indeed it is luck of honour.

Now those facts… they were easy to find. All you have to do is open up any news website on the internet, or tune into to any news channel on the television to be inundated with the information that our world is inherently bad, that the actions of human beings are atrocious, and that violence is too much a part of culture, hatred is too much a part of our existence, to ever be eradicated.

What they don’t tell us, however, what’s harder to find, is what people do for one another each and every day that is good. What about the Beyond Zero Campaign. What about Lupitah Nyong’o and the many Kenyans doing great at home and beyond.  What about that gentleman who found a bag with Ksh. 100,000 lying on the side of the road and went to great lengths to find its rightful owner rather than keeping it for himself? Now some of you are probably laughing right now. What an idiot, who would give up Ksh. 100,000? Finders keepers, losers weepers, right? But the fact is that you are Kenyans. And that changes things.

Good is all around us, but sometimes we get confused. What about that man who comes in late because they were helping a friend clean up the cafeteria. But now here’s the inherent problem, and we see it within our own nation, just as sure as we see it anywhere else. What happens to that man when they start picking up after their friends? What happens to that man when they offer to help someone? I know, because oftentimes I am that man. And you know what happens? They get laughed at. Laughed at for extending a helping hand, laughed at for offering to make somebody’s life just that much easier.

My prayer is we rejoice in doing good things. The small things you do everyday… those are things that will define the Society after my generation leaves, and those are the things that will define you as individuals. It is expected of each and every one of us, that we are the ones who rise above the petty laughter and immaturity, that we are the ones willing to go to the extra lengths to ensure that the cafeteria is kept clean, or that somebody in need is assisted. And I hope and trust that you will live up to those expectations.

Let me tell you now that while there may be some people who will complain and say that what we do is unimportant, there’s a far greater amount who recognize the significance of what we do, and a far greater number of people who need us.

I pass the torch to a new generation of members of a society that lives for honour. All of you here, are leaders. Whether you are leaders because of your academic achievement, leaders in arts, sports or in business, you represent the part of the Kenya that we as a community are most proud of. You represent that difference between right and wrong. That choice between action and inaction.

I trust that each and every one of you will strive to live up to the expectations of your community, country, but most importantly, yourselves.

Finally, this election is not about taking sides, its about doing right for you and your children. This can only happen if our preferred criteria enables us get the crème de la crème of our day.


Don $anto
EAMAward Winner,
Leader At The Klassik Clan

Monday 3 April 2017


There is absolutely no creativity in sales and marketing among the political class. Campaigns are meant to help aspirants sell their product (manifesto) to the consumer (electorate). However learned or illiterate the audience is, planning must be involved. Only a fool can ignore this important stage in marketing.

Monitoring and Studying our local politics, I deciphered that during campaigns even professionals operate like goons thus the devoid in marketing concepts. 

Kenyan politics is that stinking of corruption, drug and substance abuse, vengeance and all forms of violence. This is the time that even the president in his bid to seek re-election he forgets who he is and desperately dances to the tune of the crowd instead of the other way round. A leader is an artist, who has to find ways  to keep his audience entertained. All you have to do is do a survey of their needs and prayers and deliver (Planning). They'll be entertained. That is why they pay you anyway. A leader should be assertive, creative, influential and NOT gullible, God fearing, innovative, etc.

Bribery, violence, street littering, assassination is Hooliganism. In my meditation and figuring out what hooliganism is i found out that it is the curse for lack of education.

We act like nobody is willing to bring sanity to the game. The same way we shone those playing rough during match times when we were kids, should be how we treat such now. 


Who lied to us that bad can be a new cool. Unless we are under a demonic attack. Now I get it! No wonder violence and electoral malpractice are rife in this part of the world. Unless we want to contest the existence of spirits amongst us.

A team will always be stronger than an individual. Therefore a team leader has to be strong to influence a crowd. For God gives the strength and wisdom necessary for success.

My articles are meant to spur conversations as that is the best way I know how to change the world.

Let's inrerract: #Talk2Santo
Twitter: @DonSantoTBG | Facebook: @DonSantoKE | IG: @OfficialDonSanto

Thursday 23 March 2017


Being attached to someone or something is obeying nature. Natural and artificial, what's your poison? I choose natural for I dont have to struggle fitting in. "Natural" derived from the word "Nature" simply gives you peace of mind. A peace so supernatural as you flow with things from conceptualisation to execution of Ideas that later add colour to who you are. You can achieve this only through affiliation with your environment (both physical and spiritual).

The reason why we were created and placed in one ball (earth) that was also placed in another container called universe, was for an experiment. Whoever passes the test shall qualify for elevation. The rest would be useless so the need to dispose them. How do you dispose a specimen from the laboratory? One choses the most viable method, the best being fire, to avoid contamination. 

What do you do to a pet that just can't get along with the rest? Worse for chicken pets. Haha. They could easily be singled out to bring flavour in the mouths of the owner's family. Affiliate with nature and enjoy every blessing it brings. 

Have that peace of mind.

Saturday 18 March 2017


A flabagasted society is a corrugated society. Especially when the deeper feeling is that of why the hell it had to happen in the first place. How worse could it be when a whole government is confused too. That is Kenya for you.

Now, lets look at it this way. Why is a human being born and raised in a certain manner or at least to meet the minimum societal expectation? Whoever began that is a subject of another day. But for it to be widely accepted it had to be tangible and undeniably viable. 

So why do we exist?

We exist for worship and administration.
To worship the creator and manage his other creations. So other than us, many other things and souls were created. Mmmmh. The difference is we are superior. So superior that not a soul can deny that.

Then how are you superior if you can't see stuff around you coming. So bad this is that we are always caught unawares. Why? Maybe we are either too busy or too high to notice. If so, then considering a topic on "Time management" and "Detail is retail and retail is detail" would be a great idea if an antithesis is to be achieved. Basically, we have a choice

A wise man is the one who would respect the value of time and monetise it. This is just a by the way necessity.

Our days on earth are numbered. So why waste a second. They say time wasted can never be recovered. True...not even bribed to extend. Life is fair and sincere.

The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress.

I pen off by this Klassik advice. The world as we have created it is a process of our perception. It cannot be changed without changing our view of things.