Saturday 26 November 2011

10 ways how a woman should treat her man...

Here’s what I’ve learned so far from the relationships that I’ve been in and also watching others in relationships. Please feel free to comment especially if I left anything out. 

10. Whether it’s time alone or time to spend with buddies, give your man space. Just like girls need their space, so do men. It’s a form of regenerating. They’ll appreciate it. 

9. Try to never contradict or embarrass him in front of his friends, co-workers, or family. That can be very emasculating. Sometimes you might have to really bite your tongue, but you can talk to him later when you’re both alone and it’ll show that you respect him. 

8. Do not nag him. If he doesn’t want to change on his own accord, your nagging is only going to push him away. Evaluate the seriousness of the problem. If you feel it’s pretty important that you bring an issue up...then do so. Afterwards leave it alone. Except that he may try, but not be able to make it perfect. Continue to compliment him on the effort. Set non-verbal examples. See what follows. 

7. Never, ever talk badly about your man. Whatever fight you had, it’s between you two. Don’t tell your girlfriends, your boss, or God forbid, your mother. 

6. Let him be a man, so he can treat you like a lady. Let him open the doors for you, pay for meals, protect you...etc. etc. It’ll make him feel good. 

5. No cheating and no flirting. Without trust, a relationship is worthless. If you find yourself wanting to do either, then you must ask yourself why you’re still in the relationship. 

4. Listen first, and then talk. Let him finish what he has to say before you interrupt. Ask questions if you’re not sure about what he said. 

3. Don’t expect it to be all about you. Appreciate all the things he does- big or small. Do nice things for him too. 

2. Leave your excess emotional baggage behind. For example, just because your ex-boyfriend cheated doesn’t mean this one will. Give your man a chance. Another example, just because you’ve loved once doesn’t mean you can’t love again. Be open to forming an exciting new love story. If you can’t move on from your past love...then what are you doing in a new relationship right now. Rebound. 

1. Take care of yourself. Emotionally and physically. Don’t place your friends and family on the back burner when it comes to your relationship. Same goes for hobbies and interests. It can be tempting in new romances to want to spend every minute with the guy, but give your man a kiss and say you’ll be back in a few hours. Also, don’t get too comfortable with your guy by getting lax on the way you dress ( i.e. sweat pants all the time ) and personal hygiene ( i.e. not shaving your legs )...haha gross. You’re guy will appreciate it.